Achievements of Vice Presidency

In pursuit of keeping pace with rapid advancement in business and knowledge creativity, King Abdulaziz University established Vice Presidency for Business and Knowledge Creativity in 1430 AH. Dr. Ahmad Hamed Naqadi was appointed Vice President for business and knowledge creativity. The vice presidency was established to achieve a number of strategic objectives summarized as follows:
  • Development of innovation and creativity in the educational process and providing for talented and creative university staff members including faculty, administrators, technicians, and students.
  • Effective contribution to development of knowledge economy through partnership between educational and research institutions on the one side and business community on the other side.
  • Conduction of work on developing and increasing university self resources.
Vice Presidency for Business and Knowledge Creativity based achievement of such strategic objectives on the following axes:

First: construction of innovative thinking and development of leadership thought among students and alumni

The vice presidency worked on development and support of innovative thinking as well as on discovery and development of creative powers among university staff. This mission was accomplished through taking the following steps:
  • Introduction of “University President’s Creativity Award” by virtue of resolution No 11796/ق dated 17/09/1432 based on recommendation of Vice Presidency for Business and Knowledge Creativity. The awards aims at showcasing creative work and distinctive aspects of university contributions at the scale of academic environment and knowledge community in areas of knowledge, technology and administration. Areas of the award are annually determined by the vice presidency.
  • Development of an integrated project for training administrative leaderships. In execution of the second university strategic plan, this project is aimed at coming up with an incorporated system that provides work environment for training student leadership and qualifying and equipping student cadres with leadership skills for labor market.
  • Conduction of contract between King Abdulaziz University represented by Prince Naif bin Abdulaziz Center for Social Research and Humanities and Ministry of Education for conduction of three projects. The projects are conducted under supervision of higher supervisory committee headed by the university president with university vice president for business and knowledge creativity as deputy head of committee. The three projects are:
    • Project for talented students schools
    • Project for methods of research, creativity and innovation
    • and project for talented students curricula

Second, commercial investment of intellectual property for establishing technology transfer companies and business incubators

  • Intellectual Property Administration was established of by virtue of resolution 14213/ق of the university president dated 12/11/1432هـ as one of the affiliate administrations to the vice presidency. It aims at spreading culture of innovation and protection of intellectual properties of creative minds and innovators from inside and outside of the university. Such properties are projected to be invested and advertised for establishment of effective partnership between the university and various industrial and commercial sectors. The resolution was based on recommendations of periodical meetings of committee for development of mechanisms for intellectual property administration at the university.
  • Establishment of Wadi Jeddah Company, fully owned by the university, in 1431 AH by virtue of Royal Decree م/20, dated 15/04/1431, corresponding to 31/03/2010 AD. The company represents the investment arm of King Abdulaziz University for achieving a number of objectives including but not exclusive to
    • Invest in, localize, and develop technology industry.
    • Prepare university students for work in private sector through training, qualifying, and providing appropriate job opportunities during academic years.
    • Invest patents, intellectual properties, and industrial models.
    • Provide opportunities for investment in scientific research and development for faculty members.
    • Provide consultations in educational development, scientific research, and technology industry.
    • Invest in development of land allocated for Wadi Jeddah technology project as well as in the available lands of the university.
The vice presidency spared no efforts in harnessing all obstacles and difficulties facing the fledgling company. It is now following-up work of the company as assigned by the higher administration of the university.

Third: activation of international cooperation contracts with universities and various international entities

  • Launching of scientific chair of “Ethics and Regulations of Financing” in cooperation with University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. This falls into the framework of execution of joint cooperation agreement between the two universities to promote cultural and intellectual affinity between the Kingdom and France. In this regard, numerous seminars were convened between specialized professors from the two universities.
  • Opening of the Saudi Spanish Center at IE Business School in Madrid in culmination of memorandum of understanding between the two universities. With participation of Islamic Economics Institute, an international conference was held at Madrid stock exchange from 4 to 5 of Rajab 1431 AH corresponding to 16 to 17 of June 2010 AD. In proof of Saudi Arabia's keen interest in building bridges of communication with various civilizations, the conference was titled “In the Aftermath of Crisis: Islamic Finance in the New Financial System”.
  • Approval of establishment of three scientific chairs with UNISCO including:
    • UNISCO chair for coral reef
    • UNISCO chair for desertification
    • UNISCO chair for geological hazards
  • Obtaining of a distinguished academic program for Faculty of Tourism at King Abdulaziz University in partnership with Lausanne Institute of Switzerland. The program conforms to the needs of Saudi labor market. It is delivered by distinguished faculty members and technicians working for the faculty. Leadership and academic capabilities were also provided with training courses held at Lausanne Institute of Switzerland. This comes in light of developing academic leadership and obtaining a distinguished academic program that improves stereotypical image of the field of work for students.

Fourth: Preserving financial revenues of the university and ensuring highest possible return on investment

  • Investment Management was established as an affiliate administration to Vice Presidency for Business and Knowledge Creativity. It aims at:
    • Increasing fortunes of the university and investing its cash surplus to achieve highest possible return on investment.
    • Studying and evaluating future and possible investment opportunities for the university, and working to improve current investments in order to achieve highest possible return on investment.
    • Setting an investment plan for surplus financial resources of the university to ensure optimal use of such resources.
  • Optimal investment in the university resources based on partnership contracts with Wadi Jeddah to create new self-financing sources for the university in order to increase revenues.

Last Update
9/22/2020 8:05:53 AM