Investment Management


Investment Management was established by virtue of resolution No 8374/ق of the university president dated 02/05/1438. The resolution came in culmination of previous efforts in organizing process of investment of real estate and university facilities. Prior to the resolution, investment units were introduced in the university Vice Presidency for Projects, Deanship of Student Affairs, and Department of Contracts and procurement.

Main Tasks

Development of units that generate self-revenues, properties of the university, and effective contribution within the university towards achieving the Saudi vision 2030.


Towards a distinguished investment partnership between the university and private sector in support of the university vision: “A globally distinguished university with sustainability and community partnership”


Study and develop investment in real estate and university facilities in a manner that contributes to increasing university revenues.

Sector’s Goals

  • To facilitate effective participation of private sector in the investment of university facilities.
  • To raise efficiency of collection in the university investments.
  • To improve performance of investment projects.
  • To create new investment opportunities for the university.


Meeting the needs of the sectors and branches of the university through providing service locations for the university members, and contributing to improve quality of services provided by the university to community

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Last Update
9/22/2020 8:17:33 AM