Achievements of Deanship of Community Service and Continuous Education

  • 13 qualitative and professional diplomas in various specializations including medical secretariat, technology, cyberspace, media, English language, Chinese language, Hajj, exhibition, and conference management in 1439 AH.
  • 44 courses and training programs to 9 external entities including government and private military, security, and civil sectors. Courses varied from office management, supply management, stock control, intellectual and cyber security, crisis management, and statistics in 1439 AH.
  • 16 events, varied between awareness lectures, educational activities, workshops, and forums. Events were attended by 8,027 people in 1439 AH.
  • 160 candidates for all branches of the University President’s Award for Excellence in Community Service from inside the university in 1439 AH.
  • Participation of 17 entities from the university in the annual forum for social responsibility in 1439 AH.

Last Update
9/21/2020 8:38:10 AM